

Was just reading 'Volunteer Revolution' by Bill Hybel and he writes that 'People deserve a clear and compelling vision.' How huge is that statement?!

You deserve it, those you're leading deserve it, those you want to lead deserve it. So here's a big question...what is that 'clear and compelling vision'?

Figure it out and let people know about it, including yourself!

This would be a good time to dream.


Frustration Freeze

Playing sports can teach you a great many lessons about life. One of those lessons being the negative effects of frustration. Whether it be a missed shot, missed sale, or missed opportunity...frustration can freeze you. It can cause self doubt. It can swallow you.

When life doesn't go your way it can easily overwhelm you. Your thoughts go inward and backward as opposed to outward and forward. Frustration convinces us that there is no hope...we get caught up in the moment.

Frustration will not only freeze forward motion but may also cause you to move backwards

The only way to thaw the frustration freeze is to take steps, whatever that looks like. It could be just to get away and change your atmosphere. It could be that you need to find a small step you could take right away. It could be that your friends need to step in which is usually preceded by you being transparent. Maybe it's remembering the encouraging steps that have already been taken.

Frustration is temporary as long as we are eternal. When we let our thinking stay in the moment then we miss the future. Keep the eyes up, the feet moving, and the heart beating!

Take steps...that's it. Make a move, now. Don't sit and dwell in frustration...get up and move towards progression.